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Posts Tagged ‘Motivation’

Develop Personal Leadership

It is obvious that personal leadership involves change. We may excuse ourselves from developing personal leadership by pointing to ingrained habits and attitudes firmly entrenched since early childhood; in the world of reality, however, we can see that people do change – often dramatically. It is possible to develop the art of personal leadership through…

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Tap Your Potential

We live in a world of abundance, with opportunity on every hand. We have been liberally endowed with talents and abilities, many of which we never use, and we can, through the power of choice, make ourselves whatever we want. If all people possess unlimited potential, and if the world is filled with abundance and…

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Living an Abundant Life

The new-found confidence that is yours from the exercise of personal leadership attracts other people. Understanding and empathy are tools that enable you to motivate others to search for their own potential and to achieve success for themselves. Just as you have learned, those whose lives you touch will also learn that the only genuine…

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Striving For Continuous Improvement

Maintaining a motivational climate sets the scene for maximizing the talents and abilities of the individuals who make up the entire organization. People who are motivated, who maintain a positive attitude toward the organization and their role in it, and who are enthusiastic about their work always look for opportunities to grow and develop. They…

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